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PaReco Documentation


PaReco: Patched Clones and Missed Patches among the Divergent Variants of a Software Family. This tool relies on clone detection to mine cases of missed opportunity and effort duplication from a pool of patches.

Extending ReDebug

This tool reuses the classification method of ReDeBug. We extend their classification method to not only identify missed security patches, but to also identify missed, duplicated and split cases in any type of patch for the programming languages Java, Python, PHP, Perl, C, Shell Script and Ruby. We also look deeper into a patch and classify each file and each hunk in the .diff for that file.


PaReco is complete open and free to be used and extended by researchers and developers. Incase you use this tool in your publication, kindly cite the following papers:

  1. Ramkisoen, P. K., Businge, J., van Bladel, B., Decan, A., Demeyer, S., De Roover, C., & Khomh, F. (2022, November). PaReco: patched clones and missed patches among the divergent variants of a software family. In Proceedings of the 30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (pp. 646-658).


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